A narrow column of light silvery-green color. The branches grow vertically upwards.Juniperus pingii 'Loderi'Synonym J. wallichiana Loderi. Juniperus scaly Loderi is often found under the name of another species - Juniperus pingii Loderi. The variety was bred by Sir Loderi in England in the first half of the 20th century. Similar to Wilsonii, but shorter, 1-1.5 m high, up to 1 m in diameter. The crown is conical, dense. The branches are raised, but the ends are drooping. The leaves are needle-like, short, sharp, very blue above, green below, brown or dry in the 2nd year. A very frost-resistant variety, tolerates summer heat and periods of drought, emissions of harmful substances. Tolerates shade only in youth.
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